Friday, April 23, 2010

Mi Ami / Black Eyes

The Black Eyes were some kind of bad ass punk band on Dischord back at the beginning of the 00s. They started sounding kind of like a young Fugazi, and ended make free jazz noise... After two albums the highly experimental punk band called it quits. The members went on to form many different bands, but not until Mi Ami has anything reached the greatness(?) of the Black Eyes.

Mi Ami has crafted a sound that is some blend of tribal, punk, shrieking vocals and way overblown guitar. Wandering between frantic percussion and smooth pulsating grooves, Mi Ami's first album, Watersports, defines a new space for punk music.

Mi Ami is about to put out their second album, Steal Your Face. I've heard it. I like it. I'd recommend checking out the writeup they posted about it on their label's website, along with the album. The statement describing the recording process and the state of music/culture is poignant and compelling; recommended reading.

Black Eyes:
Black Eyes

Mi Ami:
African Rhythms

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